Thursday, May 7, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
You know how much we love our Legos. Here is a fun little YouTube find starring the awesomely spectacular little toys:
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Why E Sucks... The Saga
Its no secret that we've been absent lately. Here's a little excerpt of why:
"A few years ago I tore a disc in my back. Typically, these things self-correct and heal over time. In typical Erin fashion, mine did not. Instead of healing, it continued to get worse. I tried Epidural Steroid Injections, Disc Decompression, yoga, massage, physical therapy, and good old-fashioned narcotics. Nothing worked. Apparently, my tendency to be a pain in the arse goes all the way down to a cellular level. I am a freakshow...."
I've been journaling my experiences with my Regenexx treatments over at my other website, if you're interested, you can read here for more information. I've been very blessed to live close to some amazing medical care. I'm very excited to be getting my back fixed without surgery. Although this has been not without pain (and a lot of money I don't have), I really feel that it will be worth it!

Friday, January 23, 2009
We Suck
Yes, Bones and I are aware of how much we suck at updating this site. I am currently swamped, both in "real life" and at work, and Bones is about a week away from having a computer again for updating posts. Not excuses, we're just letting y'all know that we are aware of our suck, and are committed to righting it. Just not today :)
We hope to get back on track with posting within the next few weeks. Just bear with us, we'll make it worth your time -whaddaya need for it to be worth it? Cute animal photos, snarky writings, random funnies? We'll be coming back with all of the above. Soon!
In the meantime, enjoy some photos of cute furry things: